6 Morning Routines to Guarantee a Productive Day

There are many benefits of rising early and setting out your day before you start, not least that you get some quiet time to contemplate what needs to be done. If you get up at the last minute you may find that you start your day in a rush, making it difficult for you to catch up with yourself and others. You may know what it’s like to arrive at work looking rumpled and feeling grumpy—the slightest setback can throw any plans out of sync and you with them. When this happens we often lose our sense of purpose.

Following these morning routines will ensure you have a purposeful and productive day.

1. Be an early bird

It’s well known that many of the most successful people are early risers who believe their daily routine increases productivity. By rising early you allow yourself time to organise your thoughts and daily intentions before you get distracted by the demands of the day. When the alarm goes off don't press the snooze button! Get out of your bed and make it. Making the bed reduces the temptation to climb back in after a visit to the bathroom and also sets an organised tone for the day.

2. Daily intention

Setting intentions each day ensures that you are focused and empowers you to achieve your goals. Having a daily journal in which to write your intentions ensures that you are clear on what steps you need to take. Start with one intention which will bring you closer to your goal; no step is too small as each day you move closer to your weekly and long-term goals. Over time you will begin to develop more intentions and you will find it easier to fit these into your daily routine.

3. Be positive

Starting each day with a positive affirmation allows you to focus your thoughts in an uplifting way. Each morning, look in the mirror and spend at least five minutes practising personal positive affirmations. Chose affirmations that relate to your current situation or the limiting beliefs that you are already addressing. These simple but powerful affirmations get you and your brain ready for the day ahead. Some people find this difficult at first, so just start with one affirmation then add to this as you become more confident. Your affirmation may stay the same or change over time depending on your situation or how you are feeling.

4. Wake up your body

Kick start your day with exercise and stretching. You could incorporate a reviving 10 to 15 minutes of stretching into your morning routine, go for a run, attend a gym class or do a 15 minute yoga session. Getting your body moving rather than hitting the snooze button prepares you for the day with a boost of energy.

5. Visualisation

This is a useful coaching technique which helps you to focus your intentions and visualise a successful outcome. Each morning spend a few minutes visualising the day ahead of you, visualise being productive and successful, focus on the daily intention you set earlier and allow yourself to follow your route through the day ahead. Like meditation this is a technique which takes practice, so start small, breathe deeply whilst visualising parts of the day and build up to the full day as you become comfortable with the process.

6. Nourish your body

Nourish with a healthy breakfast and water instead of going straight for the caffeine. Eating breakfast and re-hydrating your body (especially after morning exercise) is a healthy morning routine, which is easier when pre-planned. Why not make something the night before or have easy favourites to hand?

Following this routine could have a huge impact on your outlook and your energy levels. Taking time to create space each morning allows you to centre yourself, encourages you to start the day positively and helps you remain productive during the day ahead.

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